Reading Week so far...
here )
ThursdayI can't even remember what I did all day Thursday, so it can't have been...oh, right. I woke up at like 12:40pm, so this was kind of a short day, unfortunately. Hate waking up so late when I'm not deliberately planning to. :P Anyway, this is the
day afternoon I used to catch up on the episodes of various shows that I didn't have time to watch last week. All caught up now, finally, which means I'm ready to fall behind yet again next week once I've got some work to do again. Oh, yay. Two of my brother's coworkers came over to watch
The Apprentice, and there was lots of sushi/rolls that were really quite good. Mmm.
FridaySeriously, I swear I wanted to have something
interesting to post about (
there's an idea, eh?) but really...I didn't do...anything. I re-watched
Brokedown Palace because I couldn't remember it very well and wanted to, um, make sure it still belonged on my MovieList. (What a geek.) Anyway, it turns out I still like it just as much as I did before, for some odd reason I could never explain. Also watched
Being John Malkovich, which, let me just say, is one wacky movie. Not the same kind of wacky as, say,
Moulin Rouge! or
Donnie Darko, mind you, but an entirely different brand of crazy. Heh. Someone needs to commit Charlie Kaufman, like, STAT.